Michael Pollan is a science writer. He is a staff-writer at New York Times Magazine and a professor of journalism at UC Berkeley. He has published a number of books and has written for New Yorker, Harper’s, New York Review of Books, Los Angeles Times Book Review, Conde Naste Traveler, Orion, Vogue, House and Garden, Metropolitan Home, The Guardian, Harvard Design Magazine, Mother Jones, Smithsonian, Time Magazine, Travel + Leisure Family, Gourmet, Newsweek, Nation, National Geographic, and the Washington Post. On his CV posted on his website, he has listed numerous awards and a fellowships, though I can’t find proof of them. It is unclear at this time what this means. He is possibly listing his past fellowships. He also has given hundreds of speeches and lectures.
B.A. Bennington College – English
M.A. Columbia University – English
His CV also claims that he had gone to Oxford University in 1975, while working on his Bachelor’s – a semester abroad
02-10-17 : Pollan has become a major influence in the environmental and nutrition sciences. In the beginning of his career, he seemed to solely write about food and gardening (after his FCC days), but now he steps out into more varied roles. He does write about contentious issues, and draws a fair amount of criticism. I am not able to determine if he is a bad scientist, takes money from organizations, or his detractors are the lobbied party. I do believe it is worthy to raise a flag of concern when someone gives as many speeches as he does.
Pollan has published 7 books:
1991 – Second Nature: A Gardner’s Education 1997 – A Place of my Own: The Education of an Amateur Builder 2001 – The Botany of Desire – A Plant’s Eye View of the World 2006 – The Omnivore’s Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals 2007 – In Defense of Food: An Eater’s Manifesto 2008 – Food Rules: An Eater’s Manuel 2013 – Cooked: A Natural History of Transformation
The following are links to Pollan’s published articles and content, in relative order from earliest to latest: